Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Lip Voltage by Dreamweaver review

Insecurities - we all have them and one of my (many, sigh) body hang ups is my teeny weeny lips, especially my pesky non-existent top lip. Do not get me wrong, I could make this into a post about how we should all love ourselves just the way we are, which for the most part, I definitely agree with, so many of my insecurities as a teenager I have now decided are not such a big deal. For example, stretch marks, most of us have them and they are completely normal. But is that to say I don’t want to try and reduce their appearance a little with bio oil? I'm not saying we should all become ‘plastic fantastic’ and change every single self diagnosed flaw, of course not, but easy, safe remedies and products to enhance/ slightly improve what we already have and make us feel more confident, there’s no harm in that, is there?

Today’s post is about a little gem I've recently discovered called Lip Voltage by a company called Dreamweaver. I had wanted to buy this product for some time now and a couple of weeks ago I finally plucked up the courage to purchase it. As you may have noticed on the blogosphere, there is a lot of hype at the moment surrounding this product, but is it lived up to? After testing this for a few weeks, I have decided to write a little review on its pros and cons and if it is really something you need in your life. 

The box comes with a standard looking lipgloss, a scary looking injection tube and instructions. Firstly, it tells you to squeeze one or two drops of the peptide solution into the lipgloss tube then mix it about a bit and apply it to lips, simple. 

My first impressions of this lipgloss were great! My lips tingled more than any ‘plumping’ gloss I've tried before but I was glad of this, I liked the feel of it ‘working’ and my lips rather instantly appeared fuller and redder. However, after a few goes, I felt I was sort of becoming immune to the effects and I decided I perhaps needed to change up the way in which I applied it.

Thus, I decided to fully exfoliate my lips as it always makes such a huge difference to the application of anything I put on my lips. Firstly, I dug out my baby toothbrush I use exclusively for exfoliating my lips as I don’t like the thought of brushing my teeth with dead skin, eurgh and I, admittedly, rather vigorously brushed my lips to ensure any trace of dry skin disappeared. This also helped as it got the blood rushing to my lips which is essentially what the lipgloss does, I believe. Next, I applied a moisturising lipbalm, any will do, I used my trusty EOS balm and waited for that to sink in so to speak. I wanted to apply the gloss directly to my lips for maximum results,so, after a few minutes I rubbed the residue left from the balm off with a towel and proceeded to apply it all over my lips.  This time the gloss tingled/ hurt more than before, but nothing unbearable. It was official, I was converted! To put it simply I felt like I’d transformed from a pre-surgery Kylie Jenner to a mix of post surgery Kylie Jenner and Angelina Jolie. Of course I am being rather dramatic here but I absolutely loved the result. I have inserted before and after pictures below which really demonstrate the drastic difference. It can also be applied just to and a bit above the cupids bow which also gives amazing effects, there are pictures below of this also. This is a perfect way of using for me as it is the area I most want a little oomph and I only need a tiny amount of product applying it here which means it lasts longer- result! 

This product is ideal for a needle-phobe (I’m sure there’s a correct medical term for this!) as it really does give the effect of fillers without the need for painful and pricey injections. It is also bigger lips without the commitment of actual fillers, or the dreaded risk of the botched Pete Burns- esque trout pout, shudder.

Like anything, there are of course some down falls to this product, I am an avid lipstick wearer and I wouldn’t feel too comfortable applying lipstick over gloss, to me this is like putting foundation over finishing powder; a no go. ,However, I did apply a little lipliner to add a touch of colour over it and this worked nicely.  Another con is that it is not readily available in stores (that I am aware of), I had to order mine online and it was quite pricey. Along with the posting and packaging it added up to over £20 (eek!). Still, cheaper than lip fillers! 

Nevertheless, I am very impressed with this product and I would go as far to say that I would repurchase this time after time, solely because I don’t think there is anything else as good as this on the market and I have fallen in love with the results it gives me. I undoubtedly think the pros outweigh the cons but it is definitely a splurge and something that should only be used on nights out or special occasions (note the should, of course I personally have zero will power to use it that sparingly.) This product is forever selling out due to popular demand but keep an eye on the LipVoltage’s twitter page to be updated on stock availability! Their twitter also features many other before and after pictures of various different lip shapes and sizes.

Thanks for reading! Have you tried this product? What do you think of it? Would you ever be tempted to try lip fillers?

For all the facts about the product and to see what else Dreamweaver sell click HERE for their official website
Before and after, only applied to cupids bow

before and after, applied to full lip

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